this day, I can pick up one of his books and be transported to a past that has heroes
who have that everyman quality, strong heroines who don’t give up, and that
land. Westerns remain one of my favorite genres.
L’Amour's books definitely influenced my writing. I think you can see it in
DISOBEDIENCE, book one in my new series,
Harker’s Hell. Below is a short excerpt, I hope you enjoy it.
From the lost journal of Harker Shand Delais
We weren’t prepared for the reality we found, the vast, billowing seas
of grass, heat that bleached white the bones of the unwary, and mountains.
Mountains that stood on end, their jagged peaks splitting wide a blue dome such
as we’d never before beheld.
We named it the Badlands. A hell-spawned, wild, brash, land, filled
with vicious thorns tipped with barbs and poison; where seemingly solid ground
hid death pits covered by thin layers of volcanic glass. It was stark, seared,
fit only for coyote and cactus.
was here we made our home.
And one more…
Eyes burning,
she stared out over the harsh landscape as mile after mile of straggly grass,
cactus and rock rolled by with unrelenting slowness. The arid expanse, sculpted
by the blast of harsh suns, was so very different from her home.
The Smoky
Mountains, part of Teton Territory, were achingly lovely. Clouds ghosted around
their jagged peaks like wisps of early morning wood smoke, hollows hid grass
and trees as green as poison, and myriad shallow streams chuckled their way
over rocks slippery with moss, to gather and swirl in small ponds and lakes.
No, no one could deny the beauty of the Smokies.
She hated them.
As stark, as
forbidding as this land was, it drew her in some indefinable way. There was an
honesty in the twisted, tortured formations, in the sprawling patches of
low-growing cacti and in the wicked thorns glinting on the scattered brush.
Unlike her home that cloaked danger in the illusion of safety with green, cool
shadows. Only a fool wouldn’t recognize the danger in this land.
Waves of heat
shimmered off the red sands, glistened on shards of black volcanic glass. In
the distance, columns of Joshua trees towered over the vast wasteland; macabre
sentinels that watched the passing of time, unfazed by the life and death
struggles taking place around them.
Only the sound
of the traces and the creak of wood and leather broke the stillness. Heat
poured off the sand like an oven, making it hard to catch a decent breath. Dis
licked her lips, tasting salt.
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